Educational background with part-time studies:
General higher education entrance qualification with a focus on business administration & accounting
Training as an Industrial Clerk
Certified Business Economist (Bachelor) with a specialization in business informatics
Degree program: "Successful Selling" at the Institute for Learning Systems (ILS)
Degree program: "Project Management"
Degree program: "Financial Statement Management" at the Institute for Learning Systems (ILS)
Professional Career:
Employee in internal sales department / export department
Additional role as SAP-Keyuser
Additional role as Customs Officer
Director Customer Service
Self-employed Business Consultant
Industry Experience:
* Pharmaceutical Industry * Lifting Technology (lifting equipment & hoisting gear for industry and mining)
* Electrical Suppliers Industry * Linear actuators for the furniture industry
* Construction Suppliers Industry * Suppliers Industrie for the automotive sector
* Beauty Industrie * Consumer goods indstry for household products & smart home technology
* Medical Devices * Robotics / Automation
Additional Qualifications:
2002 Seminar Working Office (for all common Office applications)
2006 Seminar „Export Documentation“ by Chamber of Commerce
2008 Special-Seminar „Export Northern / Eastern Europe“ by Chamber of Commerce
2009 Seminar „ATLAS Export“ by AEB SE – Software company for logistics & foreign trade
2009 Seminar „Efficient Design of Export Transactions" by Foreign Trade Academy (AWA)
2010 Seminar „Preferences through Certificate of Origin and Supplier Declerations“
by Formularverlag C W Niemeyer GmbH & Co. KG
2011 Seminar for certification as a "Qualified Person for Lifting Equipment"
2012 Seminar "Cargo Securing" for certification as a "Qualified Person (competent person) for Lashing Equipment"
2015 Seminar „Changes in Foreign Tade Law" by Chamber of Commerce
2018 Seminar „Brexit & Customs“ Chamber of Commerce
2019 Fire Safety Assistant